Latest issues
- 2024, Volume 17 Issue 4
- 2024, Volume 17 Issue 3.2 Full text
- 2024, Volume 17 Issue 3.1 Full text
- 2024, Volume 17 Issue 3 Full text
Plasma deposited indium phosphide and its electrophysical properties
- 26
- 3422
- Pages: 123-127
GaN IC E-mode p-channel and n-channel transistors simulation
- 19
- 3043
- Pages: 134-137
Low-induction integral heater for temperature control of MEMS vapor cell
- 25
- 3034
- Pages: 147-150
The investigation of optical coupling of microlasers with tapered fiber
- 22
- 3381
- Pages: 167-170
Novel method for preparing high-indistinguishable coherent states
- 14
- 3065
- Pages: 198-201
Polarization compensation design for free-space quantum communication transmitter
- 30
- 2936
- Pages: 202-206
Creation of a device for detecting fluorescence from microfluidic chips
- 10
- 2976
- Pages: 207-212
Collective states with high quality factors in chains of dielectric resonators
- 42
- 3323
- Pages: 213-218
Experimental study of all-van-der-Waals waveguide polaritons at room temperature
- 12
- 2942
- Pages: 223-225
Photoluminescence from lead halide perovskite superlattices
- 24
- 3045
- Pages: 326-329
A mmWave rod antenna array compatible with a PCB prototyping technology
- 33
- 2980
- Pages: 340-344
Millimeter wave photonic crystal waveguides fabricated via direct machining
- 29
- 3355
- Pages: 345-349
Features of microwave excitation signal formation in a quantum frequency standard
- 17
- 2790
- Pages: 354-359
Dynamics of the uncertainty value of quadratures for bosonic quantum states
- 10
- 2994
- Pages: 360-364
Phase-time-encoding MDI QKD tolerant to detector imperfections
- 24
- 3050
- Pages: 365-370