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- 2024, Volume 17 Issue 4
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- 2024, Volume 17 Issue 3 Full text
Articles from section "Astrophysics"
Individual behavior of gas hydrodynamics from pairs of isolated galaxies in interaction
- Year: 2024
- Volume: 17
- Issue: 3
- 17
- 709
- Pages: 148-160
Analysis of comet C/1969 Y1 parameters using isophote structural modeling
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1.2
- 25
- 2401
- Pages: 530-535
ρ-Geminids meteor shower and its connection with near-Earth asteroids
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1.2
- 16
- 2235
- Pages: 523-529
Creation of a generalized dynamic model of planetary moons based on an analytical approach for describing the libration processes of their rotation
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1.2
- 19
- 2345
- Pages: 517-522
Multiparametric analysis of celestial bodies as sources of space resources
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1.2
- 17
- 2411
- Pages: 511-516
Structure and variations of the south-polar ionosphere by GNSS-tomography
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1.2
- 20
- 2405
- Pages: 505-510
Neutral carbon in the diffuse cold neutral medium
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1.2
- 5
- 2181
- Pages: 499-504
X-ray radiation of partially occulted solar flare of May 13, 2013
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1.2
- 7
- 2742
- Pages: 492-498
Electron acceleration in models with a vertical current sheet
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1.2
- 11
- 2426
- Pages: 485-491
Method for gamma-hadron separation according to the experimental data of The Tunka-Grande array
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1.2
- 29
- 2664
- Pages: 480-484
Search for gamma-ray counterparts to FRBs in Konus-Wind data
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1.2
- 14
- 2403
- Pages: 474-479
Dynamics of quasi-periodic oscillations in the light curve of the GRB 190114C γ-ray burst
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1.2
- 6
- 2304
- Pages: 467-473
Kinetic modeling of MHD parameters of mildly-relativistic shocks
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1.2
- 14
- 2246
- Pages: 461-466
Long-term effects of solar activity on cyclone tracks in the North Atlantic
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1.2
- 13
- 2335
- Pages: 454-460
Stability of steady states of plasma diodes with counter-streaming electron and positron flows
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1.2
- 4
- 2192
- Pages: 442-448
Positron production due to interaction of cosmological background photons
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1.2
- 17
- 2436
- Pages: 429-435
Modeling of performance enhancement of the TAIGA-IACT Cherenkov gamma-ray telescope equipped with semiconductor photomultipliers
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1.2
- 14
- 2367
- Pages: 423-428
Design of an optical concentrators array for the camera of a small-size Cherenkov gamma-ray telescope
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1.2
- 14
- 2379
- Pages: 417-422
Development of detector cluster based on silicon photomultipliers for the Cherenkov gamma-ray telescope TAIGA-IACT
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1.2
- 25
- 2528
- Pages: 410-416
Gravitational and non-gravitational effects in the orbital motion of asteroid 2022 AE1
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1.2
- 11
- 2391
- Pages: 403-409
Formation of spiral dwarf galaxies: observational data and results of numerical simulation
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1.2
- 15
- 2524
- Pages: 395-402
Technique for reconstructing the parameters of EAS and primary cosmic rays based on experimental data of the Tunka-Grande scintillation array
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1.2
- 21
- 2560
- Pages: 389-394
Diagnostics of CME cavity using data of multiwave measurements of behind-the-limb solar radio bursts
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1.2
- 11
- 2495
- Pages: 383-388
Mathematical modeling of effects of plasma and gravitational inhomogeneities in the structure of electromagnetic signals
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1.2
- 6
- 2590
- Pages: 377-382
Middle-aged gamma-ray pulsar J0554+3107 in X-rays
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1.2
- 16
- 2505
- Pages: 370-376
Asymmetry study of the mixed-morphology supernova remnant G 18.95-1.1
- Year: 2023
- Volume: 16
- Issue: 1.2
- 4
- 2292
- Pages: 362-369
Radio emission of stars in the Monoceros constellation
- Year: 2018
- Volume: 11
- Issue: 3
- 19
- 8095
- Pages: 133-142
Role of firehose instability in diffusive shock acceleration
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 6900
- Pages: 195-201
The two solar flares diagnostics based on the soft X-ray emission recording
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 3
- 43
- 6959
- Pages: 152-160
The contribution of the albedo for photons to the intensity of the hard X-ray emission of solar flares
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 3
- 55
- 7090
- Pages: 140-151
Radio emission of the group of stars in the Aquarius and Cetus constellations
- Year: 2017
- Volume: 10
- Issue: 1
- 105
- 6985
- Pages: 145-151
An analysis of differential rotation of neutron star polar caps for the case of the anisotropic conductivity of the cap substance
- Year: 2014
- Issue: 2
- 208
- 7313
- Pages: 120-136
Hard X-rays in solar flaring loops from accelerated electron beams
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 4
- 346
- 7526
- Pages: 154-165
Hard X-ray time delay spectra of solar flares: BATSE spectrometer data
- Year: 2013
- Issue: 3
- 405
- 7912
- Pages: 237-244
A search for radio nebulae around pulsars PSR J0358+5413, PSR J1809-1917 and PSR В1800-21
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 6912
- Pages: 176-182
A new class of galactic X-ray sources resulting from interaction of stellar wind with a supernova remnant
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 6926
- Pages: 106-110
Multiprocessor 3D-hybrid code for astrophysical plasma modeling
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 6755
- Pages: 99-105
The simulation of propagation of cosmic rays nucleonic component in the Earth's atmosphere
- Year: 2011
- Issue: 1
- 0
- 7062
- Pages: 94-98
Vela pulsar wind nebula: determination of the anisotropy of accelerated particle distribution function
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 6656
- Pages: 201-210
The influence of the night-sky background on ground-based observations of gamma-ray bursts in the range between 1 and 10 GeV
- Year: 2012
- Issue: 3
- 0
- 6907
- Pages: 191-195