Features of the operation of a laser profilometer in an automated rolling stock control system

Physical optics

Faulty wheelset treads were identified as one of the major problems in the early stages of car repairs. Defects of wheel sets that occur during the operation of the rolling stock of the Moscow Railway are analyzed. When scanning the tread surface of wheel pairs with an automatic complex of technical measurements, the principle of operation and control parameters are taken into account. To reduce the stopping time of passing trains, it is proposed to introduce laser profilers on the railway tracks. The control of the geometric parameters of wheel sets using a laser profilometer is an important element of railway transport maintenance. Incorrect wheel sets can lead to high wheel wear, track damage, and poor passenger comfort and safety. In the course of the work, data obtained from measurements of various profiles of the surfaces of freight cars, including wheelsets, were analyzed in comparison with reference profiles. An increase in measurement accuracy has been established by minimizing the human factor, global digitalization of technological processes and automation of rolling stock control along the route.