Nanooscillators based on carbon whiskers for detectors of optomechanical effects

Condensed matter physics

A new mechanical resonance method for determining the effect of photoinduced heating from laser radiation on mechanical systems based on carbon whiskers was developed. We demonstrate a fast and universal approach for manufacturing the resonant nanooscillator detecting the effect of optical radiation on the properties of nanoobjects. The nanomechanical whisker-based resonator was grown on at the end of the tungsten needle using an electron beam induced deposition approach implemented in a scanning electron microscope. The influence of laser radiation on the mechanical properties of nanoresonators was experimentally revealed, and the trajectory of their movement at the first mechanical mode was visualized. The demonstrated approach for detecting the influence of optical radiation on the vibrational characteristics of nanooscillators paves the way for new photothermal and optomechanical sensors.