Latest issues
- 2024, Volume 17 Issue 4
- 2024, Volume 17 Issue 3.2 Full text
- 2024, Volume 17 Issue 3.1 Full text
- 2024, Volume 17 Issue 3 Full text
Editorial Board

Ivanov Vadim K.
AffiliationPeter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
DegreeDoctor of Physics and Mathematics

Fotiadi Alexander E.
AffiliationPeter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
DegreeDoctor of Physics and Mathematics

Kapralova Victoria M.
PositionsAssociate professor
AffiliationPeter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
DegreePhD in Physics and Mathematics

Antonov Valerii I.
AffiliationPeter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
DegreeDoctor of Physics and Mathematics

Bezprozvanny Ilya B.
AffiliationUT Southwestern Med Ctr, Dept Physiol
DegreeDoctor of Biology

Blinov Alexander V.
AffiliationPeter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
DegreeDoctor of Physics and Mathematics

Donetsky Dmitry V.
AffiliationState University of New York at Stony Brook
DegreeDoctor of Physics and Mathematics

Loboda Olga S.
PositionsAssociate professor
AffiliationPeter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
DegreePhD in Physics and Mathematics

Malherbe Johan
AffiliationUniversity of Pretoria, Republic of South Africa
Ostryakov Valerii M.
AffiliationPeter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
DegreeDoctor of Physics and Mathematics

Privalov Vadim E.
AffiliationPeter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
DegreeDoctor of Physics and Mathematics

Smirnov Evgeny M.
AffiliationPeter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
DegreeDoctor of Physics and Mathematics

Solov'yov Andrei V.
AffiliationMBN Research Center at Frankfurt Innovation Center of Biotechnology
DegreeDoctor of Physics and Mathematics

Tagantsev Alexander K.
AffiliationSwiss Federal Institute of Technology
DegreeDoctor of Physics and Mathematics

Toptygin Igor N.
DegreeDoctor of Physics and Mathematics

Firsov Dmitry A.
AffiliationPeter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
DegreeDoctor of Physics and Mathematics

Kheifets Anatoli S.
AffiliationAustralian National University

Cherepanov Andrey S.
AffiliationPeter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
DegreeDoctor of Physics and Mathematics

Dubov Victor V.
AffiliationPeter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
DegreeDoctor of Physics and Mathematics

Karaseov Platon A.
DegreeDoctor of Physics and Mathematics
Editorial Council

Borovkov Alexey I.
PositionsAssociate professor
AffiliationPeter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University

Zhukov Alexey E.
AffiliationIoffe Physical Technical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Rudskoy Andrey I.
AffiliationPeter the Great St. Petersburg Polytechnic University
Academic rankmember of the Russian Academy of Sciences