Suppression of molecular anyon states in the magneto-photoluminescence spectra of InP/GaInP2 quantum dots at a temperature of 30 K

Quantum wires, quantum dots, and other low-dimensional systems

We used the photoluminescence spectra of a single InP/GaInP2 quantum dot with a Wigner-Seitz radius of about 3.4, doped with 4 electrons, to measure the magnetic field dispersion of single quantum states in a range between 0  and 10 T at 30 K. The measurements show the formation of a molecular structure at high temperature and its transition to a puddle-like structure with a decrease of localization size from 110 nm to 70 nm. Fock-Darwin spectrum fitting shows a decrease in the cyclotron frequency and magnetic field shift, that are interpreted as the formation of an anyon structure in a QD with fractional charge 1/5, 2/3, 1/2 and a built-in magnetic field of −3T.