In vivo visualization of albumin nanoparticles loaded with cyanine dyes

Biophysics and medical physics

Protein nanoparticles (NPs) based on endogenous biopolymers are promising platform for bioimaging and advanced therapy since they are biocompatible, biodegradable and have low systematic toxicity with high loading capacity. In this work we studied albumin NPs loaded with three cyanine dyes: ICG, IR-806 and IR-820 for colloidal and optical properties. We demonstrated that cross-linked albumin nanoparticles functionalized with IR dyes were promising for optical bioimaging in biotissue transparency window (700-1700 nm). The proposed dye-loaded NPs were of low toxicity in vitro and could be promising for in vivo applications.


The study was prepared as part of the work on the topic “Laser technologies for biomedical applications” (122122600055-2) under the state order of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. R. Akasov, T. Egorova, M. Stepanov and E. Khaydukov are members of leading scientific school of Russian Federation “Optical spectroscopic nanoscopy of quantum objects and diagnostics of perspective materials” (grant of the President of the Russian Federation 776.2022.1.2).

Степанов М.Е., Демина П.А., Акасов Р.А., Бабаева Г., Егорова Т.В., Генералова А.Н., Пароди А., Хайдуков Е.В

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