Formatting guidelines

Formatting guidelines for text and figures

  1. Manuscripts should be submitted through the E-Submission system in docx format (MS Word). The manuscript file uploaded to the E-Submission system should contain only the article text, while all other data, such as article title, abstract, keywords, references and author information should be filled out separately.
  2. Papers should be kept to a maximum of 20 A4 pages.
  3. A manuscript should not contain an overabundance of graphical items: the number of figures and photographs should not exceed 6, the number of diagrams, graphs and tables should not exceed 4.
  4. The number of co-authors should not exceed 5, generally.
  5. Tables should be formatted in the same style as the main text.
  6. Font:  Times New Roman 14 pt. Text must be 1.5 spaced. Font size for large tables may be 12 pt.
    Top margin 2 cm, bottom margin 2 cm, left margin 3 cm, right margin 1,5 cm, page numbers included, paragraph indent 1 cm. No hyphenation at line breaks.
  7. Figures ( in  .tiff, .bmp or .jpeg formats) should be submitted in separate files. 
  8. Equations should be formatted in MathType (but not in MS Word Equation Editor). Simple equations, symbols and notations may be formatted without using MathType.
  • Latin symbols in equations and text must be italicized; numbers, Greek and Cyrillic symbols must be written in regular font.
  • Chemical elements (Ag, Cu) and variable names must be written in light font.
  • Physical units must be abbreviated with no period (m, kW, m/s) and written in light font. Physical units (except temperatures in Celsius or Kelvin) must be in Russian for Russian-language articles.
  • Function names (sin, tg, min, const, log, ехр и т. д.) must be written in light font. 
  • Period must be used as decimal stop (this also applies to figures).
  • Maximum line length for long equations is 8 cm.
  1. References should be formatted according to our guidelines.

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