Physical and technical problems of fusion energy development: From fundamental research to the stage of industrial opening up
This review article analyzes the physical and technical problems and judges the prospects for the development of fusion energy, taking into account both the results obtained by an international consortium of scientists within the framework of such projects as ITER and within the framework of individual national programs. Energy supply is one of the most complex challenges that mankind faces in the 21st century. In modern times, about 75 % of humanity's needs are provided by fossil energy carriers: oil, gas and coal. It is obvious now that renewable energy sources have their limit of use, primarily due to the instability of their energy production and the lack of technologies to create reserves in large volumes of energy produced by them. All this forces us to pay attention to such a source as the energy of controlled thermonuclear fusion. The article also analyzes new trends in the development of fusion energy based on consortia of scientists and the private sector, which set themselves the tasks of its accelerated commercialization and industrial opening up.