Формирование наноконусов на поверхности пленок Pb0.4Sn0.6Te при ионно-плазменной обработке ионами аргона с энергией 140 эВ

Condensed matter physics

The article studies the modification of the surface of Pb0.4Sn0.6Te epitaxial films during ion-plasma treatment in argon plasma. Lead-tin telluride films with a thickness of 2 μm were grown on BaF2 (111) substrates by molecular beam epitaxy. Ion-plasma treatment was carried out in a dense argon plasma of a high-frequency inductive discharge at an ion energy of ~140 eV. The duration of the process is 60 and 120 s. The parameters of an ensemble of nanocones are studied, the evolution of the height of the cones, their lateral dimensions and surface density is described while maintaining the processing time.