Professor Mikhail Mikhailovich Bredov (dedicated to the 100th anniversary since his birth)


This ptrsonalia is devoted to the memory of Mikhail Mikhailovich Bredov (1916-1976), who was a prominent scientist in physics, working closely with A.F. Ioffe and B.P. Konstantinov. He worked at Leningrad Physical Technical Institute of the USSR SA from 1938 to 1976 (on and off), at Semiconductor research institute of the USSA SA (1954-1961). He also was a lecturer at the Leningrad Polytechnical Institute (1952-1973). In the scientist's biography, his research work is accented. Bredov's participation in the WW2 is also described. The pedagogical and educational activities of M.M. Bredov are presented.